Pak Cooshesh Kar
Manufacturer of chemical products for key industries
Pak cooshesh Kar Company, with more than three decades of experience in the production of industrial chemical products and environmental protection devices, research and innovation and technical consulting services under the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system, in various industries including food (dairy, beverage, protein ) has been active in oil and gas, refining and petrochemical, marine and shipping, electricity and power plant, aviation, automobile manufacturing, household appliances, heating and refrigeration facilities and hoteling.

Experience superior quality with clean products
Pak cooshesh Kar Company, a producer of all kinds of chemical products and industrial detergents with the support of rich technical knowledge and experienced and expert staff with more than two decades of experience and production of more than 150 different products, has been able to introduce itself in the premium category of chemical products producers.
Other products
... Research and Development ...
The research and development unit of Pak cooshesh Kar Company is always working to improve and adapt the formulation to the world standards and according to the needs of the consumer market, it supplies new chemical products every year. Also, this unit is ready to study and research imported chemical products and provide the results of the studies to the respected consumers.