B.W.T P251 is a liquid product to prevent condensate corrosion in boiler systems. Controlling of condensate is necessary in boilers. Corrosion could result iron returning into the boiler, deposits on surfaces, reduce efficiency moreover eventually cause failure of it. Dissolved carbon dioxide causes of acid corrosion in condensate system. Whatever the condensate is pure and has no corrosion compound, increase the boiler efficiency and optimum energy will consume. B.W.T P251 is alkaline liquid and has no solid compound and suitable for all type of boilers. B.W.T P251 volatilizes with the steam and distributes through the system. This product condensates before steam and establish a passivation layer in the boiler and condensate system to prevent corrosion. In addition by removal of CO2 and acidic ions assist protecting the system from acidic corrosion.
BWT P251
Increase and maintain condensate pH to neutralize acid.